The week before I had my interview to work at Casa (way back in 1999), they had a promotion in the restaurant. They were serving breakfast at night. And if you wore your jammies to dinner you would get a free dessert.

A couple of my friends and I thought that would be fun, so we showed up wearing our pajamas. All the staff were wearing their jammies, too.

Sometime during my interview the following week, the conversation turned to my experience as a customer at Casa. When I mentioned the breakfast at night promotion, one of my interviewers said, “Oh, you were one of the pajama people.” They told me that my friends and I were the ONLY ones who came in wearing pajamas.

Needless to say, I got the job.

During my first few years of working at Casa, there was a group of wait staff that really got into their work and loved dressing up. So they would all wear matching outfits or dress according to some theme or another.

These costume nights were a lot of fun. Sometimes they would wear boas. Other times it would be suits and ties.

But that all started to end around the time of the big glitter debate.

To allow glitter or not to allow glitter? That was the question.

“Oh, it’s fun and everyone loves it.”

“But it can get in people’s food, and no one likes that.”

Glitter ended up being banned.

Over time, our staff’s attire has fluctuated according to their whims. The men sometimes still all get together and decide to wear suits and ties. And on special occasions the bartenders may don bow ties.

But generally individuals choose to express themselves individually these days.

Although we have no standard uniform, we do have a written dress code.

This dress code changes now and again depending on the values of the workers who are on staff at the time. Sometimes something will come up…like the glitter controversy…that will inspire the workers to update the do’s and don’ts of the dress code.

Currently, there is no mention of glitter in our dress code. But camouflage, overalls, leggings worn as pants, and lingerie worn as outerwear are absolute no-nos.

When you come to Casa, you’ll see a diversity of attire. You’ll see cute tights and mini skirts. You’ll see fun hats. You’ll see Casa t-shirts or shirts from other businesses we work with…like Snowville Creamery and Jackie O’s.

Basically, you’ll see people wearing the same clothes you may see anyone on the street wearing.

But don’t be surprised if you walk in one day and see all the ladies in dresses from the 60’s or all the men in cowboy hats…Or everybody wearing pajamas.

It’s just a little thing that helps to keep our jobs fun.

But don’t worry. We won’t get any glitter in your food.


photo credit: Glitter (1/9) via photopin (license)

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